Wisdom of the Noldor Council

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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Mythik 211

A deck I've been playing with that utilises Council of the Wise. It's a lot more fun than I thought it would be given the 1x deck restrictions.

Arwen and Gildor formed the core given their respective abilities to change the card/resource balance at any given moment means we can get through the deck a lot more quickly and find the core pieces. Between Arwen's ability and the contract we can generate 2 additional resources per turn onto any hero so we can easily play the allies and attachments we do come across. Elrond is actually only in the deck as a 3 Lore hero that enables defending, but selected him over others as he is also Noldor and can benefit from Arwen's ability.

Both Arwen and Gildor will usually quest early, and the allies in the deck tend to be attacking focused to provide the damage. They can also all contribute something to the quest if needed. Nori is probably the most important ally, allowing those events to keep coming even if you draw through the entire deck - which isn't overly difficult given the great draw provided by the contract and Gildor's ability right from the start, plus the events which help churn through the deck.

One card I've not used before this deck that I've really been impressed with is Far-sighted. Measly cost of 1 threat lets you look at the top 5 cards of the encounter deck? Really great in its own right, even better when you can lower your threat by 1 using the contract and then generate a resource using Keys of Orthanc.

One thing to note is Elven-light doesn't trigger the contract's response as it is played from the discard pile, which is also why there's no Lords of the Eldar. But it's more repeatable card draw so I found it hard to leave out.