Who pays for allies?

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Mythik 202

As the name suggests - the only allies you should be paying for are the Stargazer and Wardens of Healing. Other than that, find every other way to get allies into play that doesn't involve paying full costs.

It became a classic Vilya deck very quickly, with Timely Aid, Elf-stone, A Very Good Tale, and Send for Aid making cameo's throughout each quest. The idea for the deck was backwards to that, funnily enough - I was looking at Send for Aid, then for other ways of cheating allies into play. And landed on Vilya.

Play should be straight forward - Vilya should be front and centre, mulligan if it isn't. Quest with Elrond then trigger Vilya, rinse and repeat. Once you get the Stargazer it becomes controlled, and you shouldn't have too many issues from there. Song of Kings is principally there to be able to trigger Déorwine's ability, but if you find Strider in your opening hand it gives you an extra card to pull out of the deck using the contract.

Resist the urge to use the contract action and pay for allies. Paying for allies is a mugs game, who needs it?


Nov 03, 2021 TritonWreck 256

If you need an alternative way to get Villa quickly, you can add Heed the Dream. It’s really good in a Grey Wanderer deck especially if you have access to Leadership (which you can with Song of Kings).

Nov 03, 2021 Mythik 202

That's not a bad idea - I was trying to shy away from card draw so I didn't end up with too many allies in my hand, but could be a good way of checking first 5 even if the Song isn't out, and shuffling up if it isn't there.

Nov 04, 2021 serpico 264

Why ranger of cardolan? You haven't dunedain hero.. Maybe Master of the Forge can help you for find Vilya.. why not Radagast x2 in this deck .. it can gain resources to pay creature

Nov 04, 2021 Mythik 202

Ranger is just a solid, non unique, stats balanced ally - I found early I had too many combat allies and insufficient willpower so had to adjust. Radagast doesn't do much other than quest, and this deck as a whole doesn't need extra resources.

Master wouldn't hurt, I was trying to limit the number of "support" allies to really ramp up the combat questing potential.

Jul 15, 2023 Sfrug 370

Do you end up taking Song of Kings or Strider as your Grey Wanderer card?

Jul 15, 2023 Mythik 202

Strider is always the default, but if you end up with it in hand then you csn look for the Song instead