Seven Pillars of Wisdom

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Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

AlasForCeleborn 684

Far from home, an Elf with a mission,

In the heat of the glistening sun,

In the heart of ancient tradition,

This Elf's journey has only begun!

Lead the charge!

A Noldo has entered the battlefield!


The game is about to unfold!

As the darkness falls and the strange stars call,

One Elf spreads his wings as the battle begins:

May the land lay claim onto Círdan's name,

Seven pillars of wisdom lights the flame!

A revolt to gain independence,

Hide and seek, hunters hot on their trail;

Joined their ranks, obtained their acceptance,

Side by side free the Mordor-held jail!

Lead the charge!

Cir' Gurat, Poros Bridge, Black Serpent calls!


Demolish their forces to dust!

As the darkness falls and the strange stars call,

One Elf spreads his wings as the battle begins:

May the land lay claim onto Círdan's name,

Seven pillars of wisdom lights the flame!

After the war has been won, deception or treason?

Who can tell?

Who stood to gain? Who stood to lose? Who did the dying?

Betrayal of trust from within or compelled?

The pillars of wisdom can tell,

Back home where a new life awaits,

Whispers of past,

The sands 'neath the strange stars, calling!

Deck Strategy: Mulligan for Steward of Gondor, targeting Kahliel, and a big ally, in Easy Mode or if you also draw Captain's Wisdom you can drop them turn one. Your end goal is to get Light of Valinor and Narya on Círdan the Shipwright so you can make use of the fact that Kahliel's Tribesman doesn't have "Limit once per phase/round" and respond effectively to whatever the encounter deck throws your way. Círdan's card draw helps dig for your combo pieces, Kahliel's Headdress gets back any Haradrim you've lost.

Link to inspiring song:

As the darkness falls and the strange stars call,

One Elf spreads his wings as the battle begins:

May the land lay claim onto Círdan's name,

Seven pillars of wisdom lights the flame!

As the darkness falls and the strange stars call,

One Elf spreads his wings as the battle begins:

May the land lay claim onto Círdan's name,

Seven pillars of wisdom lights the flame!