CotR - Into Fangorn Deck - Dirty Work

Questlogs using this decklist
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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

hawkeye007 28

Simply tell your playing partners to quest like hell and you'll keep those damn trees away for as long as you can.

The focus of the deck is straightforward - keep the pretty people clean while they explore the forest.

You'll do the dirty work while elves, rohan riders, and rangers get all the glory as usual.

Maybe you'll do enough to be worthy of a line in one of their silly songs. Maybe not. Either way expect a blood bath.

If you're lucky one or two of you will make it out alive and your exploits will get a sentence or two in Appendix Q. No use complaining. So buckle up and get to work.

Best of luck.


Sep 23, 2022 Birdman137 111

Love the idea here! I'm bringing a deck to the Con whose only goal is to quest like hell do I'd love to have this deck at the table with me.

Have you considered adding a copy or two of Behind Strong Walls for Beregond? I think you could easily drop Bofur and probably the Knights of the Swan to make room.

Sep 24, 2022 hawkeye007 28

I agree and after posting the deck I don't even know how Bofur ended up in it. I did some more testing and other refining which is below.

Look me up if you need a player anytime and I'll do the same. Really looking forward to the con.

Removed Bofur Removed 1 Defender of the Naith Removed 1 Knights of the Swan Removed 1 Thicket of Spears Removed 1 Fierce Defense Removed 2 Close Call Added 3 Outmatched Added 2 Behind Strong Walls Added 1 The Hammer-stroke Added 1 Sterner than Steel

Sep 24, 2022 Birdman137 111

I feel like Knights of the Swan is a 3x or 0x card. Since they play off each other, you ideally want all 3 in play, but this deck doesn't have the card draw to make that happen consistently. If you're looking for more attack, I would recommend Galadhon Archer, or if you plan to remain engaged with a lot of enemies, Fornost Bowman.

Sep 24, 2022 Birdman137 111

I'll definitely have to find you at the Con!

Also, not sure how you're using Dori, but if he's ever being used as a standalone defender, Ring Mail would be a great card to include.

Sep 24, 2022 hawkeye007 28

I should have explained the purpose of the deck better. The deck isn't designed to kill anything. It's only setup to defend. If the game lasts longer than 4 rounds this deck will be wiped out. The Quest cards bring down a lot of super strong enemies... To me fighting them seems a waste of time. Strong defense and questing is your best shot at defeating this quest imo. It's not necessary to kill anything to win.

In Into Fangorn the weakest enemy is a Huorn who has 4 defense strength and 5 HP. There's 4 of those. Then there's 4 mid-strength Huorns at 4 DS and 6HP. And finally the really tough ones 5 and 8 (4 of those). The forced effects for each Huorn are extremely punishing as well.

Chump blockers and readying effects are where it's at for this deck and even so it's going to need a little healing by somebody most likely. I've tweaked the deck even further... The only card now that costs 3 resources is thicket of spears. Everything else is 0,1, or 2.

In my last test run this deck was engaged with 9 Huorns on the last turn and every one of my units in play were eliminated. But the remaining heroes got Mugash out of Fangorn.

Sep 24, 2022 doomguard 2000

if you only want to defend, then, for more uses of Thicket of Spears or Feint i suggest Book of Eldacar and perhaps Háma for more thicket or feints.

Sep 24, 2022 hawkeye007 28

Book of Eldacar has to get worked in no question! Thanks a ton for the suggestions.