Mono-Tac Rohan Eagle

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Alcassar 60

For Solo


Oct 25, 2016 Stoved86 407

Everybody wants a hero version of Gwaihir. I like the idea of attaching Sword-thain to him to sort of build your own eagle hero.

My one concern when I look over the deck list is how expensive a lot of the cards are and how restrictive the resource acceleration is. Horn of Gondor seems out of place in this deck since it doesn't activate from eagle or Rohan allies leaving play due to their abilities. As much as I like trying to find a use for Radagast, his ability can hardly count as resource acceleration since it will take 4 turns to break even on your investment. The same is true for Sword-thain.

Personally I would look at reducing the average cost of cards by removing a few duplicates of expensive unique allies and replacing them with cheaper ones. Westfold Outrider springs to mind as a good thematic fit. I would also look to swap out Éomer for Mablung. This is purely for the resource acceleration but it breaks theme and I could understand rejecting it on those grounds.

Over all, I like decks that try to make use of Eagles and Radagast. I enjoy your idea of playing Sword-thain on an eagle ally to make use of Théoden's boost. A few tweaks and I think this deck could be good for pick-up games.