Misty Mountain State Eagles

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Rhovanion Conference
Derived from
Misty Mountain State Eagles 3 2 3 1.0
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This is the updated version of my second deck in my thematic fellowship for taking on the Ered Mithrin cycle. I wanted to use the new heroes and the more full fledged Eagle archetype. This is obviously the combat deck.

Mulligan for Radagast's Staff or Word of Command. Having a cheap Eagle in our opening hand is ideal. Opening turn would be either playing the Staff, or playing a cheap Eagle so that Radagast can quest without exhausting, then playing word of command at the end of your turn.

Combat can mostly be handled by Grimbeorn the Old (there's an Expected Courage for him in the other deck), but obviously the Eagles help out tremendously as well. With Radagast's discount, bouncing even a 4-cost Descendant of Thorondor in and out of play isn't too painful, and that's basically the whole strategy - play cheap Eagles and overwhelm orcs with your absurd stats.

Once you boost an Eagles of the Misty Mountains to absurd heights, Grimbeorn can solo most enemies, using one or more Support of the Eagles to defend and attack for unheard-of amounts.

Loyal Hound can also be discounted with the staff and supplies additional attack boosts plus damage cancellation.

I like Necklace of Girion in the deck getting more willpower and resources for our hopefully ever-questing Radagast, and it hopefully draws an enemy that Bilbo can quest against and Grimbeorn can easily dispatch.

The Wizard Pipe is for Gandalf in the other deck but for Fire in the Night I subbed them out for the 3 Legacy Blades.