Saga hobbit support - thematic fellowship

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Hobbits with support - thematic LotR saga campaign
Derived from
Saga hobbit support - thematic fellowship 2 1 0 1.0
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SaltedPork 131

This deck has been designed for a thematic two-player LotR saga play-through. This particular deck has been built with the scenario 'A Shadow of the Past' in mind. It's worth noting that this has been built with a very weird and limited card pool: 1 old core, The Black Riders, The Road Darkens, Hunt for Gollum and the Elves of Lorien starter set.

It has been designed to support a hobbit deck, whilst remaining as thematically plausible as possible (here's the companion hobbit deck:

It includes plenty of ranged allies to shoot at anyone who looks twice at the precious halflings, and relies on getting out as many attachments as possible to make the high-starting-threat heroes into true big-hitters. Galadriel is there to fetch them.

Also, of the two decks, this one includes the only dedicated Spirit hero in the much maligned Fatty Bolger, so will be doing plenty of questing and threat reduction. He's pretty much only there because it makes thematic sense and he gives access to the Spirit sphere (plus his threat is low).


Dec 30, 2022 frozen 172

Galadriel's handmaiden and especially Naith Guide are good enough in this deck to warrant 3 copies. I would remove the galadhon archers, their ability isn't good enough to use on sneak attack and I'd rather have them in the other deck where they are in-sphere. I'd take out one of the Galadriel's for Orophin. You'd probably feel better with a 3rd copy of test of will but I'll leave that up to you.

With steward of Gondor resources shouldn't be a problem so I would give a couple Feigned Voices a try. Recycling Naith Guides would be great if Aragorn/Gandalf are questing for 6+

Dec 30, 2022 SaltedPork 131

Thanks @frozen, I'll give those suggestions a go.