Two Dwarves and a Man of Laketown

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Sfrug 370

A combat-focused three hunters deck, meant to be played with a deck that can handle questing. (I've been using it two-handed along side @askelad's fabulous Rosie Quests for the Table.) I originally wanted to use three dwarves, but sadly there isn't a ranged Dwarf hero, and having to get ranged onto someone who doesn't have it (e.g. with Tireless Thoroughbred) was a pain when you were trying to get the deck set up. So I brought in Bard the Bowman on retainer. Think of it as a Battle of the Five Armies deck.

Mulligan for a lot of restricted attachments. Raiment of War is particularly good because it counts as 2, and can go on anyone, depending what else is in hand.

The first priority is to get an Armor of Erebor onto Dáin Ironfoot, so that he can defend for the partner questing deck. The second priority is to get either an Unexpected Courage or the Ring of Thrór onto Dain so he can do it twice, once for each deck. Once that's done, you should be defending and killing two enemies per round with relative ease.

You might ask why use Forth, The Three Hunters! in a deck not meant to quest? The answer is simple: to get three restricted attachments for each hero, and the healing, which is quite good. That said, flipping the contract is less pressing than in an ordinary three hunters deck (all it adds is the healing), so in fact prioritize getting the right attachments on the right heroes over flipping quickly (again, contrary to most three hunter decks).

Sideboard is mostly stuff I've considered and decided not to use. (Hasty Stroke is in the deck because it's part of combat, and so it feels like this deck's responsibility; A Test of Will isn't because that feels like the realm of the questing deck. But YMMV.) For scenarios that press your threat a lot, though, you might throw in another Galadhrim's Greeting or two.