Éowyn, Galadriel and Glorfindel as The Three Hunters

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Ageolite 48

I wanted to experiment and do a Forth, The Three Hunters! deck, which is not easy for me, since I only have a single original coreset, so I only own one Unexpected Courage. So I had to look for other ways to ready the heroes. I wanted to go slightly lower threat, with options to reduce it, so I could engage enemies at my pace. I played this deck solo and while not suited for every quest, it is a fun deck for me to play.

Heroes: Éowyn is a quester and I realized I could use Snowmane to ready her. I thought that this card having restricted keyword helps. And with Golden Shield, she is a really good defender. Plus I still have her once in a game ability.

Galadriel I wanted for the card draw and ability to reduce the threat as well, as the Nenya or the Mirror of Galadriel. I thought finding restricted items for her would be hard, but Silver Harp is restricted and teams well with her Mirror.

Glorfindel I added because I wanted a hero which can quest and also be ready for attack. So I thought Noldor or Silvan hero would be the best, to use Light of Valinor. There were other heroes, which I considered, like Elrond or Círdan the Shipwright especially with the event Fair and Perilous, but decided to give lower threat a try. And I put Revealed in Wrath as a sideboard, since it can be a useful card in certain quests.

For other reading effects decided to use Miruvor, not as good as Unexpected Courage, but still very useful as an emergency, but in many quests I managed to just have one enemy engaged with me, so I put Unexpected Courage on Galadriel and Miruvor was used on Éowyn mostly.

Overall, I won against various quests and I really enjoyed this deck.