Questlogs using this decklist | |
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Fellowships using this decklist | |
QOTW - Shelob's Lair - Mildly Thematic |
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None. Self-made deck here. |
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None yet. |
Card draw simulator |
0% –
0% –
Gameplay simulator | ||
In Play
Discard Pile
rees263 468
This deck is part of a two-deck Fellowship used to play Shelob's Lair for the Cardboard of the Rings Quest of the Week.
The Fellowship description contains details of the quest playthrough and campaign mode information.
This quest recreates Frodo and Sam's journey from the Morgul Vale up the Stairs of Cirith Ungol and through Torech Ungol, Shelob's Lair.
The foursome in this Bond of Friendship were largely chosen due to the requirements of this quest. Sam Gamgee has his Tireless Ranger Boon anyway, but equipped with a Hobbit Cloak and Staff of Lebethron he can be fearless in the face of Shelob. Similarly, Thorin Stonehelm and a pair of Dwarrowdelf Axes will make short work of her and her shielding tokens, able to remove as many as four per turn. Eleanor is crucial to avoiding the worst effects in the encounter deck with reliability, particularly Rage and Hunger and Shelob's Poison.
Argalad ended up being a misjudgement on my part, as while his damaging ability is useful in theory, I had failed to consider that Shelob gains along with her tokens, so I wasn't able to use him how I imagined. Still, his Action is generally useful, and his Ranged ability turned out to be very important.
Other key cards are: Treebeard, who when played early in the quest has a massive impact on combat; Northern Trackers helped to counter the effects from locations; and the cards Frodo's Intuition and Fellowship of the Ring keep questing power strong, particularly in a quest that places limits on playing allies.