Miners and Eagles take on ALeP's Hobbit

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Sackmoney 32

This is a deck built with one scenario in mind — ALeP's The Hobbit. If you have not played this scenario and you wish to play it blindly, stop reading. I will discuss the quest design elements that influenced my choices here.

The Hobbit has a lot of ways to hurt your deck if you try to accumulate as many boons as you can. To my mind, a few stand out: significant threat raises, from the Riddle-Game, Smaug the Wealthy, and other effects; requiring progress equal to 3x the number of characters in play or requiring you to discard a significant portion of the deck; and the 13 barrels constraining how much of your board state you get to take to The Lonely Mountain and the ensuing battle.

This deck starts with high threat, and as such Elfhelm is essential to find with Thorin's Company. He can significantly help you through The Riddle-Game and Smaug the Wealthy, as well as help with more minor resolution effects along the way.

On Stage 3, focus on destroying all the enemies in play if possible and exploring Treetops. This deck will use the upcoming discards to its advantage with Hidden Cache and Ered Luin Miner, though you want to make sure to grab a Will of the West as soon as you can so you have some cards to work with afterwards. Use Dáin Ironfoot's ability to filter through cards, and Wizard Pipe to snatch what you need.

When we get to stage 5a, you want an Eagles of the Misty Mountains in play and as many other eagle characters as possible also in play. The Eagles of the Misty Mountains will go in a barrel. The others will be discarded, then slide right under their buddy to buff him. This does preclude you from the Drowner of Friends boon, but all the others are available for you.

When The Battle of Five Armies rolls around, hopefully you have a Radagast's Staff or Narya to get multiple uses from your souped-up eagle. You still have Dáin Ironfoot to defend, and you should be able to defeat Bolg. With a bit of luck, you can do this with at least 10 boons in play, giving you the title of Master Burglar!