Mono Spirit best-of

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Specialists - Just do what you can do best
Derived from
Caldara revisited (post FAQ 1_9) 7 4 6 1.0
Inspiration for
Na'asiyah in Good Spirits 14 9 0 1.0
Low threat - mono spirit 2 0 0 1.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Taurelin 517

Taurelin has a newer deck inspired by this one: Na'asiyah in Good Spirits

Taurelin has a newer deck inspired by this one: Low threat - mono spirit

Many Caldara lists use Círdan the Shipwright and Arwen Undómiel in their hero-setup, others (like mine) prefer Galadriel. Why not combine the best of both worlds and use all three, getting rid of the weakened, single-use lady 2.0 from Gondor?

Instead, we can just use excellent heroes and rely on the best that has to offer:

  • Raw quest power (from the start)
  • Constant card-draw
  • Threat-management
  • Location-control
  • Cancelling
  • Combat-support

With the two Elven-rings we can add healing and Sneaky Gandalf to our arsenal. Nenya is less relevant here because we can reanimate off-sphere allies with Stand and Fight, anyway.

Playtesting (number in parentheses = mastered on attempt x)


  • Passage through Mirkwood (1)
  • Journey along the Anduin (1)
  • Journey along the Anduin - nightmare! (1)
  • The Hunt for Gollum (1)
  • Conflict at the Carrock (1)
  • The Redhorn Gate (1) (replaced Arwen with Éowyn)
  • The Watcher in the Water (1)
  • Foundations of Stone (2)
  • Shadow and Flame (1)
  • Siege of Cair Andros (1)
  • The Steward's Fear (1)
  • Into Fangorn (1)
  • The Weather Hills (1)
  • Escape from Mount Gram (1)
  • Voyage across Belegaer (1)
  • The Fate of Numenor (1)
  • Flight of the Stormcaller (1)
  • The Thing in the Depths (1)
  • Temple of the Deceived (1)
  • The Drowned Ruins (1)
  • A Storm on Coba's Haven (1)
  • Escape from Umbar (2)
  • Desert Crossing (1)
  • The Long Arm of Mordor (1)
  • The Mumakil (1)
  • The Black Serpent (1)
  • Dungeons of Cirith Gurat (1)
  • The Crossing of Poros (1)
  • The Passing of the Grey Company (1)
  • Murder at the Prancing Pony (1)


  • Peril in Pelargir - nightmare (Drinking-Game mode with partner-deck) (1)


see Fellowship-page.

Edit (v3.0): Some minor changes in numbers and sideboard-choices