A Stereotypical Harad Deck (Vilya edition)

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Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
May 2020 Solo League (Harad deck) 2 0 0 1.0
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dalestephenson 1839

dalestephenson has a newer deck inspired by this one: May 2020 Solo League (Harad deck)

This deck is not creative at all, it is a crowdsourced Harad deck. Sort of.

My procedure was as follows -- I analyzed Kahliel decks s to see what the most likely hero lineup would be. The two most common lineups I found (sort of) were Kahliel/Hirluin the Fair/Prince Imrahil and Kahliel/Denethor/Erestor. But I really couldn't consider either typical, since that was the only Erestor lineup, and mixing Harad and Outlands, powerful as it is, isn't exactly typical.

So I fell back on the most popular single hero with Kahliel, Elrond. Elrond is a natural for a Harad deck with his pay-for-any-ally ability, and Harad is a natural for Vilya with its powerful allies. With Vilya involved, this isn't exactly going to be typical either, but I think it's closer to typical, whatever that is. Elrond actually was in three hero lineups posted by two different creators, paired with Gandalf, Glorfindel and Arwen Undómiel. Of those three, Arwen appeared in the most Kahliel decks (and I think is the most useful), so I settled on Arwen/Elrond/Kahliel.

However, since that sample gave me a grand total of two decks, I expanded to look at all Kahliel decks that used either Elrond or Arwen, giving me 11 decks from different creators. I saw which cards were used the most, and what the median ally/attchment/event count was. You can see the raw information here:


To turn that information into a deck, I then used the median count to apportion card slots to the most popular choices in each category, trying to use the most popular count for each until I ran out of space. I also limited the cards to a single core set.

The end result should be a stereotypical Harad (with Vilya) Deck -- one that only includes cards that others have used the most (by percentage, not raw count) in their own Harad decks that had Arwen or Elrond. If you want the typical Harad experience, this may be a good fit -- and if it's not, for a change you can blame me for not going with Erestor instead.

Gameplay involves getting the big Harad allies out either via paying for them with Kahliel/Elrond or Vilya. Vilya is probably the best card to see in the opening hand, though Southron Refugee isn't a bad card to see either. Imladris Stargazer can help you set up productive Vilya pulls. Light of Valinor should go on Elrond so he can quest and defend or Vilya. Heir of Mardil should go on whichever hero has Steward of Gondor, if it's not out put it on Elrond so Arwen can trigger it by discarding (preferably by discarding Elven-light.

The medians worked out to create a 53-card deck, but that's OK because it packs 3x Daeron's Runes. A 53-card deck with three of that card is better than a 50-card deck without it.