Lindir is a helper, not a deck-shaper. There is no point in making a deck around him, but he provide card draw in certain situations. I don't believe he should be used as is for combo decks, since those usually have a huge focus on drawing cards, and getting a Lindir with 11-card hand size is just disheartening. He is still a decent Ally to splash in any Spirit deck with no access to much card draw, as it's not uncommon to have a small or inexistent hand in such decks. The fact he can defend with no repercussions is even better - in fact, some times you might want him to die, just in time for his twin brother Lindir to take his place and draw you 1-3 cards. In Noldor decks, I would dare to say he is close to a must-have. Absolutely so if you are using Erestor, of course. But any Noldor deck worth their salt is dropping cards like crazy to boost an early game, save a bad situation or just control the board. The fact he does pack a punch, although a small one at 1 , makes him a versatile ally; sometimes that's the difference between doing damage or not having enough to overpower an enemy's .
There is, however, something else... Something I have been using with Lindir, that is both cheeky and fun: Messenger of the King. Since you "draw 6 cards" as your starting hand in Step 7 of Player Setup and not "draw until you have 6 cards", and Lindir enters play in Step 5, that's a 10-card starting hand (due to first turn draw) in any deck; the fact he is a 2 Spirit Noldor Hero, means he can be easily splashed into virtually any archetype and be proactive while at that - free access to Elrond's Counsel good people! If you have The One Ring in your deck, that means you have a 11-card hand! The chance of you drawing one of a 3-of in your deck is increased to 52.1%, not counting the option to mulligan! If you are using Galdor of the Havens, the chance to get that one card increases so much I can't even bother calculating. Did I do enough to convince you to go and try a Lindir as Messenger of the King? I hope so.
Disclaimer: This takes into consideration the revised Setup rules, which brings Contract Setup effects to Step 5, instead of 7 - which honestly makes much more sense, since otherwise you could lose access to your MotK hero due to drawing him in your starting hand. You can see more info about this right here: [](
Cost: 3.
Response: After Lindir enters play, if you have less than 3 cards in your hand, draw until you have 3 cards in your hand.
"To sheep other sheep no doubt appear different," laughed Lindir. "Or to shepherds. But Mortals have not been our study. We have other business."
The Fellowship of the Ring
The Fellowship of the Ring
Tawny Fritzinger
The Battle of Carn Dûm #120. Spirit.

A not so terrible ally for Spirit. Sure there are others with more but at least it is a mediocre defender if needed and it can also sometimes let you draw some cards in the mid-late game. Since it's a Noldor it can also play in some To the Sea, to the Sea! shenaningans, maybe coming in for just 1 resource and then letting you refill your hand with 2-3 cards.