New Lord of the Rings LCG Deck

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Alibi 197

DISCLAIMER Look at the arts of the Heroes. Count the swords. Yes, this is a combact-oriented deck. Don't play It with quests like "The Watcher in the Water" or "The Black rider"'s one's.

like a cornered predator the goal of the deck Is play with at last One, better two enemies engaged. More enemies engaged are still possible and boost some card effect but can be too much to handle. Obviously this deck really Shine in multiplayer, maybe with a / deck but can be really fun also in solo. I love the Dunedain core mechanics, It isn't a powerful mechanics, or a optimized mechanics, or just a clever mechanics (enemies = nasty effects, attacks, Shadows cards....) but can be really funny focus the game pretty much Only in fight and the victory Is more satisfiyng given the fact u are outnumbered for most of the game

there are some variants in the sideboard, specially for multiplayer where sentinel and ranged are Gold (altrought you can possibly engage all the foes in two player mode via Halbarad)

---assuming at least 2 enemies are engaged---- Halbarad pretty shitty, 2 for free isn't so good given the poor stats. Work really good in 2 player, allow your buddy focusing on help in thing you really aren't good at: manage location and threachery. Anyway i use him because i love thematic deck and he's got badass face (i really love good-art cards ;) )

Aragorn -1 it's gud shit, second Power also nice

Amarthiúl best Dunedain in the trait mechanics. Love him.

Vigilant Dúnadan and Keep Watch Umu, this can really cheese some lowPowerfoes-based encounter.

Thalion Good with One side-quest, insane with at least three. Good stats also.

Galadriel willpower, pseudodraw and resources acceleration. Nice.

The Gathering Storm I looked at this i was like "fuck Me, this is great in a Dunedain deck. basically this gonna kill Dúnedain Hunter. let's build a deck with It"

Prepare for Battle Obviously cheesy if u are Always the First player.

enjoy :)

P.S. there aren't any option to low your . If the Quest it's full of doomed cards, well u are really doomed lol