December Solo League

Questlogs using this decklist
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None. Self-made deck here.
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Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

rees263 407

A deck for use in the community solo league for December 2019.

The deck is a Noldor/Erestor deck, drawing lots of cards and discarding them for value. The twist? This deck is designed purely for use during sailing quests from the Dream-chaser cycle.

The deck wants to flood the board with allies to pass sailing tests and then quest to victory. This should be easy when fuelled by To the Sea, to the Sea! and Erestor's card draw, which are both key to the success of the deck.

The ship of choice to help pay for allies is of course Narelenya. With a very lucky draw you could have as many as 10 allies (including two ship objectives) in play by the end of the first planning phase. A more reasonable expectation is 3 (+ 2 ships), which should be enough to get by with Sailing on the first turn.

Most of the allies are Noldor to take advantage of To the Sea and Lords of the Eldar. The others are cheap/free allies for sailing, although Ioreth can also be handy for her ability if you see a lot of enemies.