The Wedded Alliance

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
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Card draw simulator
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The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Razumikhin 318

Lothíriel joins her husband Éomer and her father Prince Imrahil in a Rohan/Gondor deck.

Strategy is pretty straightforward - try to get Horn of the Mark out as fast possible, and then pop allies in and out of play using Lothiriel in the quest phase and Imrahil in the combat phase. Most of the allies have been picked for having matching traits allowing them to be fetched, or useful one-off abilities when they come into play or are discarded. Eomer gets pumped up with Firefoot and Rohan Warhorse, which, when coupled with the +2 attack bonus for characters leaving play, gives him 7 attack most turns, with the ability to ready after killing the first enemy, plus the ability to deposit overflow damage onto the second enemy.

Most turns play out fairly similarly - Lothiriel boosts the quest by dropping an ally in play, which also boosts Eomer's attack. Imrahil commits to the quest when needed, or hangs back as a utility attacker/defender. In combat, drop a chump defender in with Imrahil, and then use Eomer to sweep the board.