Boromir Beats, Frodo Eats

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Gizlivadi 1110

This is for the most part just another Boromir deck, but I decided to give it a Hobbity twist. It may not prove to be as powerful as Seastan's classic, but maybe it'll be a bit more refreshing. Instead of Glorfindel we're using Frodo, who's coming along with Sam and Bilbo. Play some pipes on your Hobbits, and then every threat reducing event draws you some cards. Good Meal is there to make Galadhrim's Greetings a 1 cost card. The rest is the core of the typical Boromir deck. Pretty straightforward, but I thought it might be fun to try. The 3 Greetings normally are overkill in normal Boromir decks, but when you can play them for 1 and reduce your threat by 6, that only means you can use Boromir more times or leave some undefended attacks for Frodo, as well as drawing some cards. Also, I want to talk a bit about Sam, who has proven to be an inmensely useful and loyal ally (as he should be). Since most cards in the deck are really cheap, I've been able to use Sam's ability almost every round, and the 2 attack is really useful for the early game. I'd really like to hear what tweaks you would make to the deck, so as always suggestions are welcome!


Aug 03, 2016 Kakita_Shiro 40

You're probably better off with Song of Wisdom and A Burning Brand instead of Hasty Stroke.

Aug 03, 2016 DukeWellington 186

That card cost gragh!

Love the deck idea, Frodo decks are some of my favorites. I guess my only question is the hobbit ponies. Other than theme I don't see how they could be better than another dwarven tomb (unless you only have one core) or a silver harp or a great green card because Nenya color fixes. I just can't imagine hobbit ponies being the best cards in those slots. Still, cool deck.

Aug 03, 2016 Seastan 42374

Nice deck!

Have you thought about Silver Harp to use in conjunction with Mirror of Galadriel?

Another suggestion is to put in just 1x Warden of Healing so that you get search it out for those direct-damage quests.

Aug 03, 2016 Beorn 13471

Frodo and Sam go together like peanut butter and jelly.

Aug 03, 2016 Gizlivadi 1110

The reason I have pony is that it's basically a 0 cost Nenya for Frodo. Holding Frodo and seeing what you have to add that 2 willpower or to defend against an attack can be really good. With that said, it's clearly the most expendable card in the deck. If I were to make a totally optimized version of the deck, I'd remove both, and add x1 Harp and x1 Warden of Healing. As for myself, I can't resist having a pony for Frodo, so instead I'll remove a copy of Hasty Stroke and 1 pony for those 2 cards. As suggested, Warden of Healing proved to be fantastic in a playthrough of Thing in the Depths I just had!