For the Birds

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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

SchadenfreudeNE 257

Who wants an Eagle of the Misty Mountains on the first turn, guaranteed, every game?

The cost? Crank your threat up really high. So this deck is loaded with a lot of threat mitigation. In the games I’ve tested, I have kept my threat floating around my starting threat. So far no need The Favor of the Lady and The Fall of Gil-Galad (to put on Widfast), although there are going to be some quests that need it.

There’s probably too much healing in the deck, but the Eagles of the Misty Mountains, can be vulnerable early game.


Oct 28, 2021 Alonewolf87 2204

Another option I guess would be to fetch Fang/Grip/Wolf with Widfast, play it for free, fetch an eagle of the misty mountains with the dog's effect and play it with all of your heroes resources.