Trying to Make Quickbeam a Thing

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Trying to Make Quickbeam a Thing 2.0 0 0 0 2.0
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eldub 693

eldub has a newer deck inspired by this one: Trying to Make Quickbeam a Thing 2.0


I was inspired by the conversation in Cardboard of the Rings Episode 188 surrounding [Quickbeam](/card/17135) and [(MotK) Ioreth](/card/9912117) as a starting point for a potentially viable deck but with heavy caveats and a fair bit of poking fun at how bad Quickbeam is, not to mention the original misprint of his symbol (or lackethereof). So, that's the genesis, here. I've literally never used Quickbeam before, as I thought the card was basically unplayable. However, after a few runs solo with this deck, I think there might be something, here. There also might be a lot of other ways to build around the hero, but I thought that an unorthodox Ent deck would be the most fun.


The original suite of Ent allies was pretty easy to put together. I originally also had 3x [Warden of Healing](/card/04083) but cut down to 1 when I realized that a single [Wellinghall Preserver](/card/10061) was doing all the work anyway, and I was definitely going to avoid taking damage on my other, squishy heroes. [Henamarth Riversong](/card/01060) is just a great card for solo, and he even has the benefit of being a cheap chump with some extra utility in multiplayer, so he's in there 1x. [Gaffer Gamgee](/card/19115) is incredible if you have two heroes, and he provides an extra, repeatable copy of [Feint](/card/01034) to mitigate enemies until you're online...we all know that Ent decks are slooooowwwww.

As far as attachments go, [Secret Vigil](/card/09012) and [Woodmen's Clearing](/card/19006) help to be able to stay in Secrecy if you draw into a [Resourceful](/card/04062) late and also help trigger [Pippin](/card/141004)'s ability. [Magic Ring](/card/17143) is just extra utility for Quickbeam.

The event package is highlighted by [Unseen Strike](/card/04004), a card I haven't put into a deck in a very long time. I think this card, in conjunction with the defense offered by [Derndingle Warrior](/card/10031) and the enemy mitigation allowed by Feint and Gaffer, is the true key. It's also worth noting that you should probably be hoping for at least 1x of the three draw/cycle events: [Daeron's Runes](/card/04108), [Drinking Song](/card/19116), and [Entmoot](/card/143011), as they allow you to take the most advantage of your first two turns in Secrecy by allowing you to fill your hand and cycle through the deck...sometimes even just the shuffle is huge.


You ideally want to start with some form of draw or filter in your hand, along with a copy of Resourceful. Your first copy of Resourceful should almost always go on Quickbeam to allow you to pay for the allies in one resource phase. The next key card is obviously [Treebeard](/card/08146)...he's basically a fourth hero and helps you smooth out the resource costs if you don't end up with a Resourceful in your opening hand -- hopefully you hit one with an early Drinking Song in the first two turns...If not, it's not a massive deal, as an early Treebeard is just as good in many ways when you start at 19 .

You definitely want to prioritize Wellinghall Preserver and [Wandering Ent](/card/08119), as they're your primary source of and healing, which is key to complement Ioreth to get as many uses out of Quickbeam's stats as possible.

Use your attachments to help keep your low and build up a board state; simply watch the stats pile up on the table at that point if all goes well.

Some Overall Thoughts

I don't think this deck is the best Ent deck out there, but I think it offers some unique choices compared to the others...I have a [Saruman](/card/22054) [The Grey Wanderer](/card/22074) deck that I think is viable as well as a Hobbit Ent deck that I think is very good. This one, though, can pack a punch in the combat phase early.

Furthermore, I think there are probably better builds out there with Quickbeam that really capitalize on the 4 , but I really wanted to revisit the Ent archetype with some inspiration from the podcast.

I think this deck is just okay solo, and it's really only suitable against quests that don't tax your tempo too much in the early rounds. With a fast start, however, this deck can roll. In multiplayer, I think it can be quite viable, especially with a well-timed Secret Vigil or Woodmen's Clearing and multiple Derndingle Warriors on the table. Also, any player can trigger Ioreth. Anyway, figured I'd post it as a nod to the podcast as well as an alternative way to play Ents.

Nov 16, 2021 eldub 693

Wonder why the card tags aren't working...

Nov 17, 2021 doomguard 2006

would include some Self Preservation

Nov 17, 2021 eldub 693

@doomguard Fair enough. I tried 2x Self Preservation and when I drew them I almost always wanted to spend the resources on more Ent cards. But I might try it again.

Nov 17, 2021 doomguard 2006

perhaps you do not need it, you use his ability mostly not more than 2 times a round, that is 4 healing, that is possible with ioreth and a preserver/warden.

i had more Treebeard in mind where you will need to heal up to 10 points per round, then it is more needed.