First Deck - would love feedback - V3

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Woodygk3164 7

Would love some feedback on my first deck build!

Wanted so split Leadership + Tactics as will be playing true solo

I've updated based on some of the community feedback.

Will see how it goes, I've tried to splash in some Gondor synergy through the deck. Obviously not going to be perfect but am learning with each day!


Mar 15, 2022 Thies 63

Not sure what your card pool is, so some may not apply. The best thing is to play it against some quests and see what it is lacking. My prediction is that you can defend great, attack fine but really rely on Faramir and/or Sword that was Broken to quest adequately. Also pay attention to what cards stay in your hand unplayed as candidates for what to cut.

  1. Try to get down to 50 cards to make the deck more consistent. This is especially true since you don’t have any card draw other than Gandalf and may need him for threat reduction. Foe-hammer probably won’t help because you don’t have enough weapons to make it reliable.
  2. I think your resource distribution is basically good, so I don’t see the need for Song of Battle or Parting Gifts in addition to Errand Rider.
  3. I usually prefer to buff Beregond’s defense rather than hit points, especially without available healing. Gondorian Shield is better to me than Citadel Plate and cheaper. Another option would be Dúnedain Warning. Since you can’t get much healing from these spheres you could try damage avoidance cards like Raven-winged Helm or Honour Guard or Gondorian Discipline.
  4. I think that the heroes Beregond and Imrahil work at cross purposes. Imrahil wants to throw chump blockers at enemies to die so that he can ready. Beregond wants to tank attacks himself without taking damage. Both are viable (until you run into a quest that punishes chump blocking), but consider what you want your defense strategy to be.