Bill vs. the Lord of the Dead

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FattyBolger 203

Bill is back for another exciting adventure! This deck is a sequel to my Bill the Pony secrecy deck.

When last we saw our pony, Aragorn had just sacrificed himself in the Weather Hills, leaving Bill to complete the quest alone. After escaping the orcs of Angmar, Bill wanted nothing more than to return to his simple life in Bree. But Elrond had other plans ...

This deck is tailored to beat the stand-alone scenario The Stone of Erech. Once again, the goal is to take Bill from ally to hero status. Mulligan for Vilya. Build up your board state and try to have Bill in play and Sword-thain in hand before moving on to stage 3. Heed the Dream can help.

A common strategy in The Stone of Erech is to quest as quickly as possible to avoid the Midnight effects, but this deck is built to handle them. Most of the allies have 2-3 willpower, and the Tactics allies are there to help you complete the last stage with the Battle keyword in effect.

Once you're on the final stage, engage the Lord of the Dead. His card reads: "While you are engaged with The Lord of the Dead, treat all printed text boxes on characters you control as if they were blank (except Traits.)" Take advantage of this to play Sword-thain on Bill next planning phase. Note that this effect also allows you to keep Gandalf in play without having to discard him at the end of the round.

Once Bill is a hero, you can either quest for the victory, or, if you want Bill in the spotlight, let Elrond take an undefended attack from the Lord of the Dead, then sprint to the finish next round.

As Bill's swishing tail disappears in the distance, the Lord of the Dead turns to his followers: "The victory belongs to that pony, not to us."


May 04, 2022 pirinisz 30

A very very interesting deck! I just wanted to say that Strider doesn't have to be set in sideboard, because the contract specifically instructs to "search your deck for an attachment...".

May 04, 2022 FattyBolger 203

@pirinisz Yes, thanks, I corrected that for the third deck (A Pony in the Desert). I would cut one of the Wandering Ents to make room for Strider. That said, I do hate the ruling about drawing your hand before contract set-up.