Fine! I'll try a Caldara deck... HOLY HECK THIS AMAZING!!!

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Road to Rivendell - 1 Player - 2021-01-04
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Card draw simulator
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gatharion 123

Ciridan helps you quest and get you the right cards and Beregond holds enemies at bay while you get your pieces in play to pull off your ridiculous Caldara shenanigans. I was super skeptical of Caldara when she was new, even when being told the optimal plays, it was a resource savings of only one or two AND it meant being down a hero. Now, it's a whole other matter; there's a stronger crop of Spirit allies to even make it worthwhile, plus better discarding mechanics, and ways to pump things up even further with Sword-thain and ally Prince Imrahil. A host of powerful allies plus four heroes is nothing to sneeze at.

Basic deck need break-down:

Questing- Starts questing out okay thanks to Ciridan and hopefully some of the cheaper allies. Becomes a bonkers questing deck as the game goes on. Getting all three Pelargir Shipwrights on the table along with four Spirit heroes almost feels dirty.

Combat- Beregond is obviously your wall. Strong allies like Glorfindel help you finish enemies off. Not a solid combat deck, by any stretch, but it's a Spirit deck that can at least usually take care of itself. (Beregond using sentinel to help other decks kill stuff is generally going to be the best strategy.)

Resources- Use Caldara to cheat your most expensive allies into play. Use Sword Thain or Imrahil to have a fourth hero, and you start doing pretty okay resource-wise.

Card Draw- Since you want certain cards in your discard, Ciridan pretty much counts as a "draw an extra card" every turn.

Threat Control- Beregond plus Galadhrim's Greeting.

My Standard Disclaimer: I don't play on Octgn or at a game store. I play solo or with my friends, who all use the decks that I have built. This means that I try to keep lots of pre-made decks lying around (I have over 10 at the moment). This further means that those popular standards (A Test of Will, Unexpected Courage, Steward of Gondor, Feint, etc) tend to get spread around and mostly my decks aren't perfectly optimized. Rather than post the perfected versions, I've opted to post what actually ends up getting played at my house.