[Thematic Nightmare] By Sheer Force of Will

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Darkling Door 6135

This is a thematic deck built as part of my Thematic Nightmare series on my blog, Darkling Door.

The theme for this deck is "Aragorn and the elves" and it was built to defeat Nightmare The Dead Marshes.


This is a rush deck, through and through. The primary goal is to quest through as quickly as possible before the deck has a chance to do anything of consequence.

There are several ways to use characters' against both the quest and escape tests, since they both typically take place during the questing phase:

I mulligan for Nenya, but otherwise my goal is to get down as much each round as possible. I aim to commit at least 5 to each escape test if possible, but I prioritize the escape test at the end of the round over any mid-phase ones brought on by Treacheries or the like, since the one at the end of the round is worth 2 resources on Gollum and others are generally only worth 1.

By questing fast and hard, and passing as many escape tests as I can, I should be able to outpace the encounter deck before it knows what hit it.

For more analysis, check out my blog post on this deck.


Jan 04, 2017 mekane 77

Impressive deck, thanks for sharing!