Elves Decklist (From Angmar Awakened Hero Expansion)

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Derived from
Angmar Awakened Suggested Elves deck 17 11 4 1.0
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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

AceWholes 67

The Noldor, fair Elves of Rivendell, use their wisdom and cunning to outmatch their foes. This deck exemplifies that by accumulating numerous cards through drawing and returning cards from your discard pile to your hand, then you can discard those cards for powerful effects.

Elven-light is a key card of this deck and helps fuel the engine of drawing and discarding several cards every round. Each time you play Elven-light from your discard pile, you get two cards into your hand, which can be used for the discard abilities on Arwen Undómiel, Éowyn, Protector of Lórien, and Elven Jeweler. Silver Harp is also an important cog in this engine since it can return the cards you discard from your hand. Defending enemy attacks can be difficult with this deck, so putting Protector of Lórien and Unexpected Courageon Arwen Undómiel is ideal to make her your primary defender, and use disposable allies like Elven Jeweler to defend big attacks.