“Some there are among us who sing that the Shadow will draw back, and peace shall come again…”- Haldir The Fellowship of the Ring.
As many in the community have noted over the years, Haldir of Lorien is one of the most versatile Lore heroes in the game. And as a sucker for secrecy decks, I couldn’t help but consider the combination of Galadriel’s built in threat mitigation along with Haldir’s combat action ability. Thus the idea for this deck was sprung.
The ideal opening hand reflects that of Strider and Resourceful- placing Resourceful(s) on Galadriel. Utilizing Galadriel’s card draw you will work toward tracking down a copy of Galadriel’s Mirror and then using the mirror to fetch your Silver Harp. Once this combo is on, continue to use the mirror to find a Song of Battle as well as your Tactics sphere weapons for Haldir. With a little patience, your board will flood with low curve allies and of course a well armed Haldir of Lorien- with little to no threat increase.
In essence this deck can function well in solo or multiplayer, as once Haldir’s tool kit is assembled, you will be able to deal 7 damage without the concern of engaging enemies while also providing decent questing power.
consider some Reforged it could help to get equipped faster and you worry less if the mirror discard, what u need. then a few allies with discard could be of use Elven Jeweler or Imladris Caregiver