Riddling Hobbits

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Cav Fan 239

When the The Riddle-game came out I thought, Oh, I have a deck that just fits the contract perfectly.

Primarily this deck is made to quest, with 3 Northern Trackers to clear out locations from the staging area.

First thing is to play The Riddle-game, first choice is always Stone of Elostirion, I mean, who does want extra cards?

Pay attention to your opening hand, you want to see at least one 0 cost card in there (you expect that about a third of any encounter deck will be 0 threat treacheries), two 0 cost cards is preferrable. Also look at the cost curve of the other cards. In the end we want to win the riddle game quickly.

With the Stone of Elostirion we are drawing 2 cards a turn so we should be good for The Riddle-game. Don't play cards in the first 2 turns unless you have others of the same cost to discard.

We should be questing for 8 on turn 1 and 2 so at least we are contributing to the team, but soon we can burst out of the gate on turn 3, play all of the cards that we have been building up with all of the resources that we have.

Once The Riddle-game is won the deck focuses on ramping up the , and lowering our threat.

Combat is handled by not participating. Low threat is the starting point for not engaging anything, Hobbit Pony goes on Merry and can produce a threat reduction reductionor extra as needed. , If something does engage then don't forget Pippin's ability. Finally we have Frodo Baggins to hold down the damage.

Some of the Allies are splashed to add a little and


Apr 12, 2024 Gutbomb 1

I love decks like this ...very cool thank you.

Apr 13, 2024 Cav Fan 239

@Gutbomb Thank you for your kind words