Date Night 5: Lothiriel and Eomer

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Ipswatch 530

Date Night Part 5: Lothiriel and Eomer

Confession time: I have never played with Lothíriel before. I have heard how good she is, but never got around to trying her myself. Once I did start playing with her, I was blown away by how much fun she can be and what a potent hero she is. Here is a breakdown of the deck:

Tactics Eomer: I went back and forth for what type of deck to make. While I do enjoy staging area attack decks, it would be tricky to include too many cards that supported it when Lithiriel only comes in spirit. This lead me to Éomer. He has quite a few things going for him. First of all, assuming Lothiriel uses her ability each round causing an ally to leave play during the questing phase, Eomer is sporting 6 attack without any other cards in play. Once he has Firefoot and War Axe equipped, this jumps up to 10 attack with overflow damage.

Mulligan: The only card in this deck I strongly want to see in my opening hand is Horn of the Mark. This card keeps allies flowing to your hand even with Lothiriel using them each round. Without this card, you do run the risk of running out of allies. That being said, as long as you have three allies in your opening hand (very likely) you won't run out before turn 4 when you can grab the horn and go from there. Other great starting cards are Golden Shield and Snowmane, turning Lothiriel into a strong defender. Generally speaking this deck doesn't have a bad opening hand. There is always something to play and get going with.

General Gameplay: Eomer essentially runs himself. He can one shot most enemies right out of the gate, and once his attachments are on he can drop bosses. Lothiriel should be putting an ally into play question each round. It is advantageous to never actually pay for Éomund or Théodwyn as they are Lothiriel’s best targets for her ability, and if you pay for them you can't summon a second one. Mustering the Rohirrim is useful for finding Eomund’s to have in hand for when you need a big turn, particularly when combined with Astonishing Speed for a big quest and combat phase.

Double Date: This deck is a strong combat deck, but it can handle questing fairly decently. It’s weakest point is its defense, relying on Lothiriel for smaller enemies and chump blocking the larger ones and it has daily low healing. For these reasons, I suggest a double date with Tom/Goldberry to help with the healing and the defense from Wooden Lyre, or Faramir/Eowyn since all the Rohan cards will work with Eowyn and her Rohan allies as well.