Bard Slays Smaug

Questlogs using this decklist
Loss - The Battle of Lake-town - 1 Player - 2024-08-04
Loss - The Battle of Lake-town - 1 Player - 2024-08-03
Loss 0 The Battle of Lake-town - 1 Player - 2024-08-04
Loss - The Battle of Lake-town - 1 Player - 2024-08-04
Win The Battle of Lake-town - 1 Player - 2024-08-09
Fellowships using this decklist
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None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet.
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kattattack22 835

Another deck for Battle of Lake-town. I really wanted to have Bard deal the majority if not all the damage to Smaug. This deck managed the former taking a little help from Dain.

Opening Hand

You're looking for Unexpected Courage or Armor of Erebor + Armored Destrier. After that, as many restricted attachments as you can get.

Dain needs to be able to defend twice for Smaug the Mighty and why action advantage is so important for him. Then you can put Smaug into play engaged with you and quest over the location that is likely to be revealed.

Playing the Deck

Steward is in the deck to help pay for the Leadership attachments and draw cards with Gildor, but it is not necessary.

Dain can defend Smaug pretty easily without any attachments from the start thanks to his ability. Plus 1 defense pretty much covers him from taking too much damage that the contract healing can't handle. Round Shields works great to offset the +2 attack shadow effects.

Once the contract flips, the focus is building up Bard's attack power. Durin's Axe and War Axe are the biggest bonuses. The other 2 restricted slots (with Golden Belt) can be Dwarven Axe or Dagger of Westernesse. Any Dunedain Marks he can get are great too.

Don't sweat cards building up in your hand that you can't play. They're useful for The Old Thrush and lowering Smaug's defense.