QOTW - Breaking of the Fellowship - Hey, Over Here!

Questlogs using this decklist
Breaking of the Fellowship - 2 Players - 2024-11-04
Fellowships using this decklist
QOTW - Breaking of the Fellowship - Mildly Thematic
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

rees263 432

This deck is part of a two-deck Fellowship used to play Breaking of the Fellowship for the Cardboard of the Rings Quest of the Week.

The Fellowship description contains details of the quest playthrough and campaign mode information.

This quest depicts the journey of the company down the River Anduin to Amon Hen, where the Fellowship breaks. The quest features tough Uruk-hai enemies and separate quest Stages for the finale.

As a campaign deck, the hero choices were largely already made. For this quest the duo of Aragorn joins Pippin and Sam Gamgee to form a very synergistic trio.

This deck is the more combat focused of the two, particularly thanks to what Aragorn can accomplish with Andúril. There are also support elements including side quests, and some encounter deck management in the form of Put Off Pursuit and The Hidden Way. The hope was that these might also help to ensure Seat of Seeing was explored, but it didn't work out that way.