Rangers of The Storm

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Wood Wardens 1 0 0 1.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

MarekZegarek 74

~ Introduction ~

The idea behind this deck is to separate Elrohir and Elladan into the hero and ally so you can focus on using different heroes and spheres in your deck. The key card here is Thurindir - that is your relatively certain way to get Elladan into play (combo explainded later). The other thing is to have 2nd Lore hero so you can play your key ally fast. In my opinion the choice is between Aragorn (Lore), Glorfindel (Lore) and Haldir 'cause you need someone that can hit for 3.

Since you have Thurindir that benefits from side quests I decided to add Halfling Bounder, East Road Ranger, Dúnedain Message and couple more side quest. Because I wanted things like Cloak of Lórien (to make maximum use of Elrohir response), Ranger Provisions and The Long Defeat (for resource acceleration and card draw) I did not include any traps or things like Ranger Spear.

~ How does it exactly work? ~

Ideal situation is to have Elladan in your opening hand so you can play him on 2nd turn, he is the only card that is worth to take mulligan.

With no Elladan in opening hand you use Thurindir ability to search for Gather Information side quest. That is your solution to get Elladan regardless of your draw and also good start at boosting your questing power with Thurindir.

~ Variations ~

Swaping Haldir with Glorfindel (Lore) and addition of Coney in a Trap is an option in scenarios where you feel good to start with higher threat. It is entirely possible to add multiple traps to this deck to make more use of cards like Ranger Spear or Forest Patrol. My take is focused around Elrohir's response that allows him to defend multiple targets, in multiplayer game you can consider adding Dúnedain Signal.


Oct 29, 2017 radAGHAST 440

Cool deck! I think it's a great idea to try out an Elrohir deck paired with Lore. I never would have thought of using Cloak of Lórien on him, because I'm always thinking about tactics and leadership. Thanks for sharing!