Apparently everyone has a price, even Ents, and Gondor is willing to pay it. Maybe Denethor found out something about the location of the ent-wives with his Palantir? Perhaps he's told them there's a clue to be found at the end of whatever quest you have them going on and suddenly their presence there and ferocity makes sense!
However you justify it, this deck can amass an ent army with actual hastiness. Look for one or both of Steward of Gondor and Treebeard along with some card draw in your first hand and you'll be off and running. Denethor pays Bifur and Mablung each round and they hire more ents. With a few powerful exceptions, everything else in the deck is card draw.
This deck is meant for multiplayer as it doesn't usually have enough early game willpower to handle solo, but it shines in multplayer. Between Campfire Tales and Deep Knowledge you'll be handing out card draw to the whole table all game long. So long as they have a plan in their deck for threat reduction they'll love you for it.
Of note: I've left Boomed and Trumpeted out because I find I rarely use it; if you feel differently about it then switch it out for whatever event least excites you of the seven there.
Fun Fact: In a rarity for a tri-sphere deck, all but three of the cards can be purchased on the first turn. Options!