A Stereotypical Hobbit Deck

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Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
April 2019 Solo League 0 0 0 1.0
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dalestephenson 1723

dalestephenson has a newer deck inspired by this one: April 2019 Solo League

This deck is not creative at all, it is a crowdsourced Hobbit hero deck.

My procedure was as follows -- I looked at all-hobbit lineups to see what the most popular lineup was, and it was easy because Sam Gamgee/Pippin/Merry outnumber the rest of the all-hobbit lineups combined. I then analyzed the contents of all 91 decks by different creators to see what the most common cards used were. You can see the numbers and commentary appended to this thread:


To turn that information into a deck, I then used the median count to apportion card slots to the most popular choices in each category, trying to use the most popular count for each until I ran out of space (I did lower the count at the end of the ally list so I could fit cards with same approximate selection). I also limited the cards to a single core set.

The end result should be a stereotypical Hobbit Deck -- one that only includes cards that others have used the most (by percentage, not raw count) in their own Hobbit decks. If you want the typical Hobbit experience, this may be a good fit -- and if it's not, don't blame me, blame the committee!

This deck starts in secrecy but has no secrecy cards. I think the top priority is to build up Sam's defensive capabilities. Look for Rosie Cotton, Bill the Pony, Hobbit Cloak or Staff of Lebethron in your opening hand. Dagger of Westernesse goes on Merry, of course. Fast Hitch goes well on Merry, Sam, and Rosie, not necessarily in that order. In general the goal is for Sam to defend and Merry to kill.

One card that's not in the deck but that really should be if you're playing against any quests with ringbearer Frodo is Frodo's Intuition. With Frodo, it provides four cards besides the willpower boost. At least half of my sample decks included it, as they were built specifically for the saga.