Lost Twin

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Bendrie 131

Quite a fun Noldor deck, where you'd best find Elrohir as quickly as possible.

Defeated Journey UP the Anduin 2nd try. Defeated Lost in Mirkwood 1st try (great to actually have the Cloak of Lórien boost come into play) Defeated Nightmare: Morgul Vale 2nd try (very close game).

Opening hand looking for Elrohir (and sometimes Elrond's counsel for threat specific quests). You can play Elrohir first turn with Arwen which is great. Most games you end up drawing your entire deck.

Everything is surprisingly consistent apart from the Mithlond Sea-watcher who I've found a little difficult to trigger, due to my obsession with Elven-light.

Light of Valinor usually goes on Cirdan with Narya to ready Elrohir and often Glorfindel.

The cloaks with A Good Harvest + Elven Mail can go on either Elrohir or a Guardian of Rivendell (who is a great secondary defender).

I'm really loving these new twin decks with one hero and one ally. Allows for so much variation.


Aug 30, 2018 Marcelf 1347

That's a fun thematic Noldor you have here ! I tried a similar build with Spirit Glorfindel instead of Cirdan : ringsdb.com

I found the deck was depending too much on Elven-light.

Aug 30, 2018 Bendrie 131

I like how you found a place for the Eregion Survivor's, i wanted to include them, but ended up having a lot of cards in my hand with Cirdan. How did you find the effectiveness of the elven spears?

(Personally I went for Cirdan because of Narya's ready/defence boost for Elrohir).

Aug 30, 2018 Marcelf 1347

Elven spear was supposed to feed Foe Hammer, but I didnt play the deck enough. The main weakness was the lack of drawing if you dont find elven light. There with Cirdan you draw better, and Narya is off course great with good allies. I like it!

Aug 30, 2018 Bendrie 131

It's also helpful to now have Open the Armory in the cardpool, meaning you can focus on just one weapon now, and be able to fetch it with a little more consistency. Cirdan is great, just starting at 31 threat makes some quests quite tricky.