Dori, Outlands, and the Dwarves
dalestephenson 1870
This fellowship is designed for Aragorn to be the prime defender, with Dori and Honour Guard keeping him healthy. While the Outlands deck wants to get out Outlands allies quickly, and the Dwarves deck needs to get to five dwarves quickly for Ori's card draw, the secondary goal for both decks is to play attachments, usually on Aragorn. Aragorn can quest and ready (cost one), and can help play and with the right attachments. If Aragorn has Heir of Mardil it can be triggered with Steward of Gondor or The Day's Rising with a successful defense or Errand-rider or Blue Mountain Trader. If it's Steward of Gondor, unless you really need the resources wait to trigger it until he exhausts to defend.