8 dwarfs storming nurn
doomguard 2190
this fellowship is meant to try fortress of nurn with
- 1 set of cards (4 Feint and 4 Veteran Axehand could reduce to 3 if needed)
- only dwarfheroes
2 decks with each a Bond of Friendship contract. in fortress of nurn you have to start with only 3 cards left in your deck. with each 4 heroes you have a good start. the problem is thread.
mulligan for Double Back in each deck to increase the chance to get 1.
the Thorin Oakenshield starts with 5 dwarfes thx to Bombur so he get 1 res more from the start and Nori get his bonus and extrasphere.
there is a high density of allies, so the strategy is to get about 4-5 allies out per player and pilote through the adventure with that boardstate.
little things that help:
- much sidequests, they help not to go to fast and build boardstate
- Arwen Undómiel and Armor of Ereborhelps to get sentinel
- Treebeard is playable within a round thx to thorin
- Bifur helps to get lore-allies faster
- Dúnedain Warning can be switched to the defender where it is needed
- thread reducing with Gandalf, Keen as Lances, Nori, Double Back and Favor of the Valar