rohan rides

doomguard 2221


as soon as eomund is in hand, he can redy every rohan character at the end of questingphase and can be recycled with gamling. erkenbrand get the ring an become a formidble defender. the other deck gives courage and raktik-ring-attachement.

eomer strikes with 5 naked, because of the leaving at end of questing, with weapons and or firefoot becomes more.

for the lategame anstonishing speed helps to quest well.

this combination was able to magage carn dum.


Mar 02, 2020 banania 1997

I like your decks. Just to be clear, do you use Lothíriel to play Éomund and recycle him with Gamling each turn? Because sadly I don't think that would work since Eomund would have to be discarded (and he's only shuffled back)

Mar 02, 2020 doomguard 2221

i think u are right. then it have to be the old version :( there i used beravor instead of gamling and more carddraw

Mar 02, 2020 banania 1997

I think it's still ok. You don't have to play Éomund each turn. And at least he's shuffled back into your deck, so you may retrieve him at some point, especially with Horn of the Mark and Mustering the Rohirrim. As an alternative, and since Lothíriel's ability doesn't require the expenditure of resources, you could include Ride to Ruin to discard Éomund for progress and fetch him back with Gamling. It should be powerful enough IMO.

Mar 02, 2020 doomguard 2221

i played with that beravorversion before the contract was spoiled, and with that combo i did carn dum ;) (hought with this version it would be easier, but only if discard is the same as leave play, and that is not the case) i think without the carddraw of the lorecards (deep knowledge, darons runes, beavor) its harder to use eomund (nearly) every turn. with the lore(-events) and gandalf-sneakattacks you thin out your deck very fast and get eomunds back.

Mar 02, 2020 doomguard 2221

the puplic link for the beravordeck:

Mar 02, 2020 banania 1997

As an alternative and because you're playing The One Ring in that deck (and thus are benefitting from low starting threat) avec you considered making Gléowine the Messenger of the King?

Mar 02, 2020 doomguard 2221

good idea, gleowine makes the same as beravor (because of the redying from eomund) and has significant lower thread

Mar 02, 2020 banania 1997

And more in live with theme ;)

Mar 02, 2020 doomguard 2221

here the version with gleowine: