The Drúadan Forest - 1 Player - 2020-05-08

Victory with a score of 113 points on May 08, 2020
WTFpancake 3

Outlands for Against the Shadow (unpublished)

Played by WTFpancake

Intruders in Chetwood - 1 Player - 2020-05-25

Victory with a score of 91 points on May 25, 2020
Rimogard 316

Dwarfses on Horses (2023) (unpublished)

Played by Rimogard
Edmund 28

March of the Enyd (unpublished)

Played by Edmund

Passage Through Mirkwood - Nightmare - 2 Players - 2020-08-08

Victory with a score of 132 points on August 08, 2020
Rimogard 316

Two-Player Limited Edition Starter: Lore/Tactics Deck (Modified) (unpublished)

Played by Rimogard

Dwarfses on Horses (2023) (unpublished)

Played by Rimogard

The Redhorn Gate - 1 Player - 2020-09-03

Victory with a score of 90 points on September 04, 2020
HungryHobbit13 21

Dwarven Delvers (unpublished)

Played by HungryHobbit13

Into the Pit - 2 Players - 2020-10-28

Victory with a score of 141 points on October 28, 2020
ainar 4

The Watcher in the Water - 2 Players - 2020-12-05

Victory with a score of 97 points on December 05, 2020
Vortigern 2

To Catch an Orc - 2 Players - 2020-12-27

Defeat on December 27, 2020
Thibbledorf 27

Aragorn and Faramir, rangers lead the way (unpublished)

Played by Nanda

We Must Away, Ere Break of Day - Easy - 1 Player - 2021-03-20

Victory with a score of 114 points on March 20, 2021
alandor 50

Thirteen is company (unpublished)

Played by alandor
Rohirrim70 57
ycarium 26

Dwarves of Khazad-Dum V2 (solo) (unpublished)

Played by ycarium
kattattack22 859

Rohan Harrying Force (unpublished)

Played by kattattack22

NM The Drúadan Forest (W)

Victory on October 15, 2021
Imrahil13 1315

ALeP - Battle for the Beacon - 1 Player - 2021-10-24

Victory with a score of 137 points on October 24, 2021
Rimogard 316

Rohan's Comeback (2023) (unpublished)

Played by Rimogard

The King's Quest - 1 Player - 2021-12-11

Victory with a score of 249 points on December 11, 2021
tmotylik 20

Into the Pit - 1 Player - 2022-01-19

Victory with a score of 84 points on January 19, 2022
Graffuh 46

Gondor ERESTOR - talia bez dodatków (unpublished)

Played by Graffuh
Supasash 60

Return to Mirkwood - #9 (unpublished)

Played by Supasash

Return to Mirkwood - #9 (unpublished)

Played by Supasash

Journey Along the Anduin - 2 Players - 2022-04-01

Victory with a score of 136 points on April 01, 2022
Rado Gaman 1

Dwarves of Durin - Starter Deck (unpublished)

Defenders of Gondor - Starter Deck (unpublished)

Peril in Pelargir - 1 Player - 2022-04-14

Victory on April 15, 2022
Madd.Dawgg 34

Loragorn Control with Frodotron v4 (unpublished)

Played by Matthew

Foundations of Stone - 1 Player - 2022-04-22

Victory with a score of 146 points on April 23, 2022
LssrOf2Weevils 22

Foundations of Stone | Solo (unpublished)

Played by LssrOf2Weevils

The Nîn-in-Eilph - 1 Player - 2022-06-07

Victory with a score of 122 points on June 07, 2022
Sururu 11

Conflict at the Carrock - 2 Players - Game 4 (3-0)

Victory with a score of 149 points on June 18, 2022
SiCK_Boy 45

Duo - Conflict at the Carrock - P1 (unpublished)

Played by P1

Duo - Conflict at the Carrock - P2 (unpublished)

Played by P2
drabblecast 67

Solo Dwarf Deck for Hobbit Saga (unpublished)

Played by drabblecast

The Hunt for Gollum - 1 Player - 2022-08-12

Victory on August 12, 2022
articuno11 3

Shadows of Mirkwood Leadership/Lore Deck (unpublished)

Played by articuno11
dnl232 1

Escape from Dol Guldur - 2 Players - 2022-11-08

Victory with a score of 180 points on November 08, 2022
exarsimo 1

Revised Core - Lore & Tactics Deck _Vsimo (unpublished)

The Hills of Emyn Muil - 1 Player - 2022-10-04

Victory with a score of 110 points on October 04, 2022
SleepingStar 70

A Knife in the Dark - 1 Player - 2023-02-04

Victory with a score of 88 points on February 04, 2023
Kyarsus 1

Mazo clon de Vilya +Gandalf para el reto Reedición -Susurros (unpublished)

Played by Kyarsus
Morbold 72

Sniper Core set (unpublished)

Played by Morbold