Danger in Dorwinion - 1 Player - 2020-08-31

Victory with a score of 98 points on August 31, 2020
Rimogard 316

The White Council's Haradrim Spy (2023) (unpublished)

Played by Rimogard

Win - Beneath the Sands - 2 Players - 2020-08-28

Victory with a score of 178 points on August 28, 2020
kattattack22 866
kattattack22 866

Lost in Mirkwood - 1 Player - 2020-08-30

Defeat on August 30, 2020
Sarus85 127

The Steward's Fear - 1 Player - 2020-08-29

Victory with a score of 165 points on August 29, 2020
MiskatonicKnight 1

The Steward's Fear Solo Progression (2 Cores) (unpublished)

Played by MiskatonicKnight

The Steward's Fear - 1 Player - 2020-08-30

Victory with a score of 150 points on August 30, 2020
MiskatonicKnight 1

The Steward's Fear Solo Progression (2 Cores) (unpublished)

Played by MiskatonicKnight

Desert Crossing - 1 Player - 2020-08-31

Victory on August 31, 2020
Alduc 596

The River Running - 1 Player - 2020-08-30

Victory with a score of 116 points on August 30, 2020
Rimogard 316

The White Council's Haradrim Spy (2023) (unpublished)

Played by Rimogard

The Seventh Level - 1 Player - 2020-08-28

Victory with a score of 115 points on August 29, 2020
HungryHobbit13 21

The Three Trials - Nightmare

Victory with a score of 126 points on August 29, 2020
Periandil 3

Trzy Próby (unpublished)

Played by Ramnic

Shadow and Flame - 1 Player - 2020-08-29

Victory with a score of 154 points on August 29, 2020
Fspage 24

Far Over the Misty Mountains Cold (unpublished)

Played by Finlay Page

Passage Through Mirkwood - 2 Players - 2020-07-02

Victory with a score of 162 points on July 03, 2020
HungryHobbit13 21

Leadership/Lore Mirkwood Cycle (unpublished)

Played by Pookie 1

Tactics/Spirit Mirkwood Cycle (unpublished)

Played by Pookie 2

Into the Pit - 2 Players - 2020-08-25

Victory with a score of 125 points on August 26, 2020
Smiticus 5

Into the Pit - 1 Player - 2020-08-27

Victory with a score of 127 points on August 28, 2020
HungryHobbit13 21

Journey Along the Anduin: Crushed to Death

Defeat on August 27, 2020
TheBeardedOne 2

Journey Along the Anduin: Pyrrhic Victory

Victory with a score of 160 points on August 22, 2020
TheBeardedOne 2

Journey Along the Anduin, steadily onward

Victory with a score of 144 points on August 26, 2020
TheBeardedOne 2

Into the Pit - Solo League 24 Game 1

Victory with a score of 126 points on August 27, 2020
Adaepholn 161

Road to Rivendell - Solo League 24 Game 1

Defeat on August 27, 2020
Adaepholn 161

Road to Rivendell - Solo League 24 Game 2

Defeat on August 27, 2020
Adaepholn 161
Joto Baggins 45

Frodo and the Fatties (unpublished)

Played by Joto Baggins

Road to Rivendell - Solo League 24 Game 3

Victory with a score of 80 points on August 27, 2020
Adaepholn 161

Foundations of Stone - Solo League 24 Game 1

Victory with a score of 90 points on August 27, 2020
Adaepholn 161
Alduc 596
Joto Baggins 45

Frodo and the Fatties (unpublished)

Played by Joto Baggins

Lost in Mirkwood - 1 Player - 2020-08-26

Defeat on August 26, 2020
Sarus85 127
Joto Baggins 45

Swift Travelers (unpublished)

Played by Joto Baggins
Dom_Iosephus 7
Supergami 1

[deleted] (unpublished)

Played by Supergami