
Hero. Threat: 8. 1   2   1   4  

Rohan. Warrior.

Dúnhere can target enemies in the staging area when he attacks alone. When doing so, he gets +1 .

Captains rode to meet him at the ford, bearing messages from Gandalf. Dúnhere, chieftain of the folk of Harrowdale, was at their head.
The Return of the King
Jeff Himmelman

Core Set #9. Spirit.


I used to think that Dunhere was pretty subpar as hero's go, but i recently have found him very useful in a low threat deck designed to snipe enemies before they engage. He combos very well with Fastred with his ability to both return enemies to the staging area and reduce your threat to keep the enemies at bay. My favorite attachments for Dunhere are of course Spear of the Mark and Dagger of Westernesse for obvious reasons, and with his access to the spirit sphere he can take an unexpected courage or 2 to kill all of your enemies before they become too problematic. with all of the killing going on and the weapon attachments I like to use Foe-hammer for a good deal of card draw. I would also like to say that he makes for a good include in a low threat three hunters deck, though I haven't had much luck with one in solo play. overall I think a Dunhere deck is a very fun way to play and encourage people to try him out more often.

Ah, Dunhere. His life has been hard. Back when he was released he was fairly viable, but pretty soon, he became almost unplayable. Haldir, hands upon the bow, and great yew bow ensured this. However, with the release of T Eowyn, Dunhere decks have seen a massive resurgence. Try him out. He's underrated and pretty fun.

Dúnhere is my favourite glue hero from core set for 3 main reasons: acess to sphere, low threat and his attack ability. Boost his attack with anything you can and let him do his sniper things. His other stats are not so good, but I hardly ever use him for anything else. Artwork is ok. Verdict: 4/5.

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