Silvan: Pure Series #2

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Silvan: Pure Series Deck #4 15 8 0 1.0
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Mustardman 557

Pure Series:

I realized that my original Pure Series has become out of date, so I've remade many (if not all) of my decks.

This is a series of about 10 decks that I made that don’t share any cards with each other. Meaning I can only use Steward of Gondor in one of my 10 decks. This forces me to use different methods of card draw and resource generation.

I have every expansion, but only 1 core set :(

I do include different cards of the same unique character in different decks. (Ex. Haldir of Lórien hero in my Scout deck and Haldir of Lórien ally in my Silvan deck.)

Silvan Deck:

Silvan decks focus on popping allies in and out of play, triggering their "enter play" effects. I've been trying to make a good, thematic Silvan deck for a while and this is the best one I've had so far mostly due to some new support in recent packs.

Opening Hand:

In your opening hand you really want to see

1st: O Lórien!

2nd: Galion

3rd: Galadhrim Minstrel

Card Draw:

Card Draw comes from Valiant Sacrifice and Peace, and Thought. Peace, and Thought is reasonable to play with The Elvenking, Light of Valinor, Naith Guide, and Greenwood Archer as ways to have your heroes ready at the refresh phase.


O Lórien! and Elf Guide are your only sources of resource generation, which is why it's important to draw O Lórien! in your opening hand. But Thranduil can help with resource smoothing throughout the game.


In order to trigger a Silvan ally’s ability, I’ve included 3 events that let you return a Silvan ally to your hand (The Tree People, Feigned Voices, and Elf Guide)

Early on, you are looking for Galion in order to fuel all your event cards early game. Letting you play Elf Guide, Feigned Voices, and The Tree People for free. Galadhrim Weaver is a backup if you don't get Galion early on.

The Tree People is probably the best out of the three potentially letting you exchange a 0 costing ally for a 3 costing ally. And that 0 costing ally goes into your hand instead of your discard pile so you can repeat the cycle!

Galadhrim Minstrel lets you search for those key event cards you need. You'll almost always find something, but if not you can always choose to return him to your hand to try again.

Host of Galadhrim really shines in the late game. Triggering all the "enters play" abilities on every ally you have in play.


The highest defense a Silvan character had was 2 until Thranduil came out. Which is why he is included over Celeborn. Cloak of Lórien to boost him up, and you've actually got a decent defender who can defend multiple enemies with The Elvenking. For bigger enemies, you've got Feigned Voices to straight-up cancel an attack.


Hmmmm.... Maybe Argalad and Glorfindel can attack for 5??? Is it even worth it tho?

I find that this deck does a little bit of everything, whether it's location control (Asfaloth), healing (Silvan Tracker), or managing threat (Galadriel's Handmaiden) Silvan has it all!

If you have any suggestions or questions comment below



Apr 06, 2020 Alonewolf87 1922

I am not sure about the part about Light of Valinor, Greenwood Archer, Naith Guide being useful to have heroes ready during the Refresh Phase. The "ready all characters" part of the Refresh Phase comes before you are able to play Peace, and Thought

Apr 06, 2020 Mustardman 557

Oh wow! So you exhaust your heroes before the turn begins? Would that be before or after you draw a card?

Either way Greenwood Archer, Naith Guide, and Light of Valinor would let you commit the heroes you exhausted from Peace, and Thought

Apr 06, 2020 Alonewolf87 1922

During the Refresh Phase first you raise your threat, pass around the first player token and ready all your cards, then you have an action window (the only one where you can play Peace, and Thought and a good one to play Word of Command with you Gandalf who is going to be discarded at the end of the round). Then the Refresh Phase end, then the round ends (which trigger all those effect linked to it) and then you have next round Resource Phase where you draw card and get resources.

Greenwood Archer is a good way to offset Peace, and Thought cost, but Naith Guide and Light of Valinor will not help you if your hero is still exhausted from the previous turn use of Peace, and Thought

Apr 06, 2020 Uncertain _Sage 6

You still have The Elvenking but then it is exhausted for the next round.

Apr 06, 2020 Mustardman 557

Ok, I think I understand! Thank you for the help! I would probably add an extra copy of Greenwood Archer and take out a copy of Naith Guide then.