The Druid's Army

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Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

MrSpaceBear 975

The highlights: When Eagles of the Misty Mountains get powered up enough, they can have 20+ attack/ defense. No one takes advantage of that and Support of the Eagleslike Grimbeorn the Old. When he picks up Support of the Eagles, he can typically defend for double digits. If he gets two, for the cost of a resource, he cracks back just as hard. When he picks up Firefoot, the overkill damage can kill some pretty big enemies.

Early game: Radagast's Staffis key. The deck has a decent amount of draw with LegolasMessenger Raven, The Eagles Are Coming!, and Daeron's Runes; however, it can struggle to get enough resources to play all those cards without the staff. The other main cards one wants to see to get the combo set up are Eagles of the Misty Mountains and Support of the Eagles. Word of Command can substitute for any of those three cards in a pinch.

Mid game: Pour Eagles into play, and let them stack up on Eagles of the Misty Mountains.

Late game: Both Grimbeorn the Oldand Legolas can get Rohan Warhorse. Whoever has Support of the Eaglesand Support of the Eagles should smash enemies. Radagast's Staffcan be used to ready the biggest Eagles of the Misty Mountains.

Function: The deck is primarily used for multiplayer games for combat/healing. Although it typically contributes minimally for questing, Meneldordoes allow for some location control.

No Gwaihir?: Although Gwaihir is cool, the goal of this deck is to get Grimbeorn the Old to be a monster, and since that is the goal, the big eagles like Landroval and Gwaihir are not ideal. The cheap ones that bounce out of play quickly like Eagle Emissary and Wilyador are perfect to add their value and then leave play to pump the Eagles of the Misty Mountains. In order to dig for more and more of those allies, I chose Legolasover Gwaihir.


Dec 14, 2020 ira212 256

You should probably put Legolas in the deck if you want him to be a messenger! :)

Cool deck idea!

Dec 15, 2020 doomguard 1976

when i play ragagast-eagles, i want to be ready to pay eagles of the misty mountains 1. round. thats only possible, with more starting ressources that pay for the staff or steward. so for that reason u need denthor, arwen or motk(halfast). other way, for my play it, would be to slow.