How to play Lothíriel with 16 Traits (and 200 attachments)

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Emmental 407

How many Traits can Lothíriel get ? 3 ? 5 ? 8 ?

This deck's purpose is to make Lothíriel a Noble, Warrior, Scout, Ranger, Steward, Burglar, Gondor, Rohan, Dúnedain, Dwarf, Hobbit, Silvan, Noldor and Dale monstrosity, by giving her the text box of the 31 sided heroes.

For maximum efficiency, you should only play this deck when playing the Hunt for the Dreadnaught with the Eithiliant ship. This allow Lothíriel to become a Creature and an Eagle (probably some king of elvish magic is involved), for a final value of 16 Traits.

How can it possibly work ?

(Setup : make (MotK) Galion your third hero, then give him The One Ring... sadly the ring is immune to our Helm of Secrecy-shennanigans and would eliminate us if we put it on another hero)

Pair this deck with the One Suicide Deck in order to get all you cards in plays during the first planning phase.

Assuming you are the second player, you start your planning phase with infinite ressources (let's make it « a lot ») and your whole deck in hand. Play Song of Wisdom on Gwaihir, and your allies

  1. Helm of Secrecy Gwaihir away, replacing him with Lorefindel. Attach Thorongil to Glorfindel and Spiritfindel to it.
  2. Play Host of Galadhrim in order to draw back the Helm. Replace Lorefindel with one the 12-cost heroes from the side. Thorongil will not leave play (so Glorfindel stays attached) and it triggers another time, allowing you to attach another hero to it (thanks to RogueThirteen for this discovery).
  3. Repeat step 2, cycling in the side between all the heroes (you will need a second copy of one version of the 14 listed heroes)
  4. When you have a 8-threat Denethor with Thorongil and 31 heroes attached to it, you can Helm away your starting Lothíriel (i advise you to pick Sméagol instead). Then Helm away Denethor and get mega-Lothíriel back.

Fine, but how do i win ?

Put all attachments on Lothíriel. Play Tom Bombadillo!. Sort the encounter deck (cycling Risk Some Light+Host) in a fancy way.

Then use the Fireside/Blood/Fire combo.

Bonus rule point

Thorongil asks you to search "your collection for a differrent [...] version" of the hero. What exactly is a different version ?

If an alt-art version is a different version, well... time for another version of this deck :)


Mar 04, 2021 Truck 1416