the White call for the Gray

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advat 190

always call for Gandalf the Gray Using Horns! Horns! Horns!/Gwaihir's Debt(you may use Wizard Pipe to put it on top of your deck)/Sneak Attack to make sure you can put Gandalf into play at any time! It's time to answer Saruman the White ~~~


Oct 26, 2021 doomguard 1976

nice idea, but Gwaihir's Debt seems not very funktional to me.

  1. you have only 1 eagle and you can only get it into play with Horns! Horns! Horns! or Sneak Attack or do i miss something? and for both those cards you can put in a gandalf directly and do not need the way around with Gwaihir's Debt

  2. how do you want to play Gwaihir's Debt ? its not doomed

some ideas that may pimp it a litte bit:

make yourself more flexible and add some songs + Love of Tales (yea even saruman love tales ^^) this fits well with your allready inboard Drinking Song

so i would make the following changes:

add 3 Song of Battle and 2 meneldor and 1-3 Love of Tales

would discard 3 Reckless Attack (its not this good to use it for your free doomed card a round and for its doomed cost it is really bad). then 3 of the 9 Daeron's Runes The Seeing-stone Word of Command (in multi i think i would cut the seeing-stone, solo the runes)

Oct 26, 2021 advat 190

Meneldor will be in play because Messenger of the King

Oct 26, 2021 Alonewolf87 1922

You can add directly the hero version of MotK ally, like (MotK) Meneldor

Oct 26, 2021 doomguard 1976

o.k. my bad i oversaw the contract.
then you dont need the songs. and i would recommand to add the hero in the herolist

so, your startingthred is 27 then. its a difference.

my only adjustment is then discard the Reckless Attack (you have enough other doomed events that you will play) and put in Wilyador and or Vassal of the Windlord they have more use than the reckless attack.

Oct 26, 2021 advat 190

nice idea !

I take Reckless Attack but not Wilyador in my deck because this deck does not have enough resource to pay for those cards,you know I will trigger Frodo Baggins’s ability almost each turn…(only 3 leadership resource for Sneak Attack),so I have 2 resources in fact each turn. And I build this deck to use unique cards as less as I can,Saruman deck always performs better in four players game than solo,you know.

I know Reckless Attack is not a doom card that have enough value,so in different quests I’d adjust these cards.

Oct 27, 2021 doomguard 1976

except Gwaihir's Debt you have nothing to pay or the tacticres. so more 1-cost seems very logical to me and both eagles cost 1. (play wilyador only if you need him this round)

evan if you pay staff an pipe with tactic (1 each round) then you have nothing to do after 5 rounds with that tactic-res. cheap ranged eagle seems very helpfull also in the lategame.