Lord and Lady of Emyn Arnen

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Jesterat314 20

'..the heart of Eowyn changed, or else at last she understood it. And suddenly her winter passed, and the sun shone on her.

'No longer do I desire to be a queen,' she said.

Then Faramir laughed merrily. 'That is well,' he said; 'for I am not a king.'

Faramir was always a favourite character of mine, and Eowyn is a complex and deep character in the novel. The fact they ended up together when they were close to losing it all deserves an attempt at making Lore Faramir work using the new Lady of Tactics.

This deck works best by trying to keep your threat low, having to start with 17 with help from the White Lady of Rohan, and using the advantage of secrecy as soon as possible. Faramir with his additional attacks from stage enemies can use Great Yew Bow to destroy those enemies before they engage. Provide him with a Dagger of Westernesse, light some Gondorian Fire and watch him become more Boromir than Boromir can ever be. Sorry Boromiriasts. Hell, instead of a dagger stick another Ranger Bow on him and watch him defy the laws of having only two arms by working two bows at the same time. Can't get to the Great Yew Bow fast enough, there's always Hands Upon the Bow to help.

Ofcourse, now that Eowyn is Missus Gondor, the Horn of Gondor is all glued up and ready to use by her. And if Faramir can't get rid of those enemies up there fast enough, and let's be honest, that's a possibility, he's no Boromir (you're welcome Boromiriasts), then watch her get all with her 10 attack.

The allies included are there to help with questing (major disadvantage of having only lore and tactics) and possibly to help lower the threat and look for weapons.

Opening hand preference: Resourceful, Great Yew Bow, Envoy of Pelargir, Unseen Strike. (Note: Use Boromir instead of Faramir if possible)