Second Breakfast 12 - Smokin and Sneakin

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Card draw simulator
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NERD 808

This is my solution to the twelfth-second breakfast challenge, which forced decks to center around items, secrecy, and "put into play." In addition, I knew I wanted to keep my deck thematic. I realized that since pipes are items and lower threat (aiding secrecy), they would be a good fit. I also noticed that a few hobbit allies (Buckland Shirriff and Curious Brandybuck) can put themselves into play. I rounded out the deck by adding Fatty Bolger to deal with early enemies and add the victory display mechanic. This fits well with Out of the Wild, another secrecy card. There and Back Again and Timely Aid also fit perfectly as they are secrecy cards that put allies into play. Because of the low threat, I decided to take advantage of Hobbit Cloak and Staff of Lebethron, which are both items. This deck covers resource acceleration through Smoke and Think and Resourceful and card draw through Hobbit Pipe and Old Toby. Overall, I think this deck perfectly matches the requirements. However, I did not have time to try the quest, so I guess it did not complete the requirements. Let me know what you think! If anyone has time to try the quest with this deck, it would be greatly appreciated.


Sep 11, 2022 doomguard 1976

would add Gaffer Gamgee he is good alone in secrecy-decks and much more with There and Back Again

overall i think 11 allies are not enough for cards like Timely Aid and Open the Gates would increase alllies up to 20 (hobbits and secrecy, perhaps Treebeard)

would discard

Sep 12, 2022 NERD 808

You are totally right, I was just trying to satisfy the requirements as much as possible.