Silvan Bounce with Galion

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mathplanet 215

Hello, I am a Korean player. This deck is a bounce deck using Galion. It is a deck that uses the advantage of Celeborn and Galadriel's unique effects to quickly complete quests while constantly playing Galion.

Attach card

Arwen: Light of Valinor, Silver Harp, Steed of Imladris, Unexpected Courage

Celeborn: Heir of Mardil, Celebrían's Stone, O Lórien!, Rune-master, Steward of Gondor, The Elvenking

Galadriel: Mirror of Galadriel, Silver Harp, Unexpected Courage, Nenya

For mulligans, you need to find Galion and The Elvenking first. Among the event cards, Elven-light is a draw supplement, and Fair and Perilous can supplement insufficient attack power.

It gives a feeling of control deck and guarantees fun.

One question is, if I play Galion multiple times in a round, do I get both Galion's buff and Celeborn's buff?


Jun 15, 2023 doomguard 1976

you do, he can quest for 2 and remain unexhausted (it does not add the bonus every time, only once). its nice.

i had similar ideas a while ago, but ended, that very often it is better to take a Galadhrim Weaver back to reshuffle a very usefull event (in most cases The Tree People and Feigned Voices but A Test of Will or Sneak Attack is also helpful)