Duo - Dual Sphere Noldor - Deck2

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
Duo - Dual Sphere Noldor - Deck2 1 1 0 1.0
Inspiration for
Duo - Dual Sphere Noldor - Deck2 3 3 2 8.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Elran 94

Elran has a newer deck inspired by this one: Duo - Dual Sphere Noldor - Deck2

The whole idea here is to support your co-player. This deck is managing the quest, the heal, cancels and the threat level :

*Questing : Arwen Undómiel will be your number 1 character in the quest supported by Galdor of the Havens and if needed Galadriel with her ring Nenya. Don't forget to apply her passive that allows allies you control to not exhaust to commit to the quest during the round they enter play. Lindon Navigator and Sailor of Lune once in play will be very useful as well especially if you manage properly your discard pile.

*Discard : Noldor mechanic is based on discarding cards from your hands to activate effects or playing cards from your discard pile. Silver Harp once attached will provide you 1 resource each turn with Arwen Undómiel capacity. Don't forget to play Elven-light and Glorfindel from your discard pile. Once you don't have cards anymore, you have the possibility to shuffle back your discard pile to your deck with Will of the West. You can replace this card if you realise that you don't need to do it in the end to maximise Lords of the Eldar.

*Drawing : Daeron's Runes, Elven-light, Heed the Dream, Galdor of the Havens Galadriel and Lindir will provide you cards all along the game and having cards to discard should not be a problem.

*Lords of the Eldar: once your deck empty, this card can be played one or twice every round giving a boost to all Noldor Characters. This mechanics is quite strong and will stabilise your end game.

*Support role:

-Other: Guardian of Rivendell to have a bit of a defence, Envoy of Pelargir to manage your money, Elrond's Counsel to manage your threat

-Sideboard: Possibility to swap Galdor of the Havens with Erestor. In that case I would recommend having Dwarven Tomb in your deck to take backs some cards from your discard pile. You can also add some side quests depending on the scenario to fulfil even better your support role.

Hope you'll enjoy playing this deck, I'm fully open for suggestions