When Rangers and Hobbits Go To War

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None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
When Rangers and Hobbits Go To War 3 1 0 4.0
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BrandonB 17

BrandonB has a newer deck inspired by this one: When Rangers and Hobbits Go To War

I hadn't seen a deck using this combination of heroes and wanted to see what I could come up with. Feedback more than welcome.

I choose Pippin over Halbarad or Amarthiúl because of the lower threat and extra card draw. Also, with Aragorn's ability, adding an extra optional engagement (that doesn't trigger Mablung) could just add more foes than the deck can clear. And while that's good for Halbard's ability (and/or for Amarthiul) that's also extra blocks that need to be accounted for every turn. Thoughts?


Jan 03, 2017 The White Wizard 536

Can this be used in solo? If so, I would recommend using A Good Harvest and some questing allies. To smooth resources even more, I would add Elf-Stone. You could even put in Gandalf (OHaUH).

Jan 03, 2017 BrandonB 17

I tend not to build solo decks, but with some more questing, I guess it could work that way. In that case, elf-stone and that Gandalf would be of help with that.

Jan 04, 2017 D4rkWolf10 493

I really like the combination you've got here. It's an intriguing idea. Usually if I try to utilize Hobbits with one of the Big Folk I tend to have Aragorn (in any of his versions, though Aragorn is a personal favorite) and two Hobbits. Only one is a different way to go, but I definitely think it can work. I can see you wanting to include a couple copies of Gandalf if only for the threat reduction he comes with to make sure you get the most out of Pippin and his ability. Secret Vigil is good but I don't know if it would be enough for my taste, though it could just be preference.