Over the Misty Mountains Grim Nightmare Solo Progression

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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Copterman 1045

DECK NAME - A Wizard Is Sometimes Late


OVERVIEW - I wanted to build a deck that owns Stone-Giant. Saruman and Gandalf will arrive precisely when they mean to, and hopefully just in time to deal with Stone-Giant. Denethor will help us keep additional Stone-Giants from entering staging. This is a fun and quirky deck that relies on card draw and the Istari.


  • Denthor - using his action to gain knowledge each round; bury additional Stone-Giants
  • Frodo Baggins - I wish I could include Pippin for his response in the unlikely event A Stone-Giant engages but there isn't a Hobbit available to use with him
  • Sam Gamgee - attach Steward of Gondor
  • Bilbo Baggins - attach Fast Hitch to allow Bilbo to take the Dim Valley action twice in one round if able


  • OPENING HAND - hard mulligan for Saruman or The Seeing-stone
  • STAGE 1 - the worst card revealed during setup would be a second Stone-Giant but I can usually overcome this using Gandalf's response; ensure only 1 Stone-Giant is ever added to the staging area and keep from engaging it; when you're ready to move on be sure to have all allies in play and try to have all character ready for stage 2; also play an Expecting Mischief just in case a goblin is revealed at 3B; try and have your under 30
  • STAGE 2 - chump with Henamarth Riversong and have Hasty Stroke ready for the Great Goblin's attack; use Risk Some Light to insure a goblin doesn't engage you from the Great Goblin's forced effect; destroy GG in counter-attack
  • Beorn - helpful in case you get unlucky and have multiple goblins engage you when advancing to stage 3
  • Gandalf - start off drawing cards rather than lowering
  • Saruman - if a Guffawing Giant comes out during setup, just play Saruman in round 1 to remove Stone-Giant from play for the round; play Saruman when a Galloping Boulders is going to come out to remove surge from it by temporarily removing Stone-Giant from play; put damage from Galloping Boulder on Saruman
  • A Good Harvest - used for so much more than just playing Beorn; makes an early Risk Some Light possible
  • A Test of Will - Frodo's resources mostly used to play A Test of Will and Dwarven Tomb
  • Expecting Mischief - with Henamarth Riversong's help kills Suspicious Crow in stage 1 and Goblin Runners in stage 2
  • Peace, and Thought - exhaust Frodo and Bilbo
  • Risk Some Light - use before Great Goblin attacks but also can be helpful to buring Stone-Giant or a treachery you don't have A Test of Will for
  • The Seeing-stone - mostly used for a needed early Saruman but can grab a Deep Knowledge if desperate for a specific card
  • Valiant Sacrifice - lots of fun card draw here between Gandalf and Saruman leaving play often
  • We Are Not Idle - effectively lowers your deck size to 47